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Movies to look forward to in February 2016

January isn't really the best month in which movies come out. It is mostly known among movie critics, reviewers, and fans that when a mo...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016 Super Bowl Movie TV Spots: What we know and what we're expecting

We're just a few days away from the 50th Super Bowl, Carolina Panthers versus the Denver Broncos. And with the awesomely entertaining game that will be playing, there will also be TV spots for the guys who will be watching the game, have no idea what's going on, and also LOVE movies *cough* like me *cough*
Since that's a movies blog, I'll be talking/speculating on which movies we are going to or wish to see ads for (sorted alphabetically)

1) 10 Cloverfield Lane

The surprise sequel that no one asked for but secretly wanted! After the release of its first trailer a couple of weeks ago, it became one of the most anticipated movies of the year. Due to its low budget, I doubt that it will have a TV spot (a 30-second TV spot costs about $4.8 million), but I sure am hoping for one!

10 Cloverfield Lane is scheduled for release on March 11th 2016

*Update* they indeed did release a TV spot, and here it is

2) Alice Through the Looking Glass

Actually, I'm pretty certain that this a TV spot that we are going to see, because, well, Disney already released it online.
That's a movie that I'm personally really excited about. I actually enjoyed the previous one. It wasn't a masterpiece by any means, but it was likable for what it was, so I'm excited to see what they do with the sequel!

Alice Through the Looking Glass is scheduled for release on May 27th 2016

3) The Angry Birds Movie

Personally, I'm not a big fan of video game-to-movie adaptation, let alone a smartphone game. However, the movie has a pretty good box office potential, and if it actually is a good movie, Sony Studios need just one smart TV spot to win people over.

The Angry Birds Movie is scheduled for release on May 20th 2016

4) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

One of my personal most anticipated movies of March and of the whole year! After the "controversial" third trailer that Warner Bros. has released, there has been 4 really good and intriguing TV spots. Although there is no confirmation whether it bought time during the Super Bowl, it would be wise from WB to give us a 5th TV spot with just as good and just as intriguing footage to win the fans that they lost or that are hesitant after the mentioned before trailer. That would be a very smart move especially if they do not want to be overshadowed by #6 on the list.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is scheduled for release on March 25th 2016

*Update* they really didn't release an actual movie TV spot, but they partnered with Turkish Airlines and made 2 sweet commercials (1 for Gotham, 1 for Metropolis) for both the movie and the airline company.

5) Bourne 5

I'm kinda hoping for this one myself, cause the Bourne series has just been so damn good!
We still don't have an official trailer or even an official name yet, but Eric Van Lustbader, the author of the Bourne books, might have slipped in one of his tweets that we're getting our very first look at Bourne 5 in the super bowl. So here's hoping.

The yet-to-be titled Bourne sequel is scheduled for release on July 29th 2016

*Update* they titled the movie officially as Jason Bourne, and they also released a TV spot.

6) Captain America: Civil War

And then of course, there's Marvel. This is Disney and Marvel's big summer action movie. If I have to, judging by how many time Disney bought during Super Bowl 50, I would bet that this is one of the movies that they will show TV spots for. I'm strongly expecting one for this movie, and who knows? Maybe this will be the first tease for the new Spider-Man.

Captain America: Civil War is scheduled for release on May 6th 2016

*Update* there has been a confirmation that Coca-Cola and Marvel/Disney are doing an ad together during the Super Bowl. That's most likely going to be something related to CA: CW.

*Update2* there was indeed an ad from Coca-Cola and Marvel/Disney, but there was also a TV spot just for Captain America: Civil War. If you want to read what I thought about it, click here

7) Deadpool

Many Deadpool fans are already won over by the previous two trailers that we got. However some people are still on the edge for various reasons. A week before its release, Deadpool needs one more smart and quick blow that would attract other audiences to it if it wants to be the success it's setting out to be.

Deadpool is scheduled for release on February 12th 2016

yes, as expected, they also released  a TV spot during the Super Bowl, and it was glorious!

8) Finding Dory

Although it has already a trailer that came out a few months ago, it didn't really grab me that much. The trailer basically treats the nostalgic part in people who already saw Finding Nemo and loved it. Nonetheless, anyone who hasn't seen it, or didn't like it, will pretty much won't care or will hate that trailer. In the Super Bowl, if Disney chose to advertise Finding Dory, it needs to attract both kids and people who didn't like Finding Nemo quickly and effectively. I myself enjoyed FN very much and I can't wait to see what they're going to do with FD.

Finding Dory is scheduled for release on June 17th 2016

9) Ghostbusters

It's a reboot for an 80s famous and well-known franchise, so it's something that you see happen a lot recently. But, this new reboot chose to get out of its status quo and decided to have an all-female leading cast, which is something to be admired, especially that they still went with it regardless of fans' objections. We still do not have any trailers for the movie as of yet, but something as quick and as brief as 30 seconds might get these fans on the positive side of the franchise again.

Ghostbusters is scheduled for release on July 15th 2016

10) Independence Day: Resurgence

Just like 10 Cloverfield Lane, it's the sequel that we didn't ask for, but we're damn glad that we're getting it! The trailer that we got a couple of months ago was quite good looking, didn't reveal the plot at all which is always a good thing, and Jeff Goldblum is always a positive. However, a lot of people think that it's a quick cash grab. It would be very wise of Twentieth Century Fox to show the people that they're wrong (hopefully?)

Independence Day: Resurgence is scheduled for release on June 24th 2016

*Update* they made the wise decision! Here's the Super Bowl TV spot for the movie.

11) The Jungle Book

Personally, I grew up on The Jungle Book animated movies, but I can't really remember anything of what they are or what they were talking about, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. Thus far, the movie has been overlooked by a lot of people and the general public. Disney bought 3-4 time spots during the Super Bowl, so it would be wise of them to introduce a new TV spot with new footage that quickly sums up the plot for people like me, and attracts people who are overlooking it so far. On a side note though, The CGI is stunning judging by the trailer that we have, and it's something that we are used to have from Disney.

The Jungle Book is scheduled for release on April 15th 2016

we didn't just get a TV spot for the movie, we also got a trailer!

12) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Unlike #1 an #10 on the list, this is the sequel no one wanted. However, from the looks of the first and only trailer we got so far, it looks like they are trying to fix what they did wrong with the predecessor. What Paramount needs right now is something to get people more excited about this movie so that they can forget about the last one.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is scheduled for release on June 3rd 2016

*Update* the official TMNT twitter account tweeted a 7 second teaser that confirms a Super Bowl TV spot, so look forward to that!

*Update2* as teased, we did get a Super Bowl TV spot, and it showed a lot of goodies! If you want to read what I think about it, click here.

13) X-Men: Apocalypse

After the big and well-deserved success of X-Men: Days of Future Past, both financially and in ratings, we are excited to see how they handle the awesome villain Apocalypse, as this is his first appearance on the big screen. However, since a lot of fans complained when they saw the first look on set after San Diego Comic Con, and we didn't really get to see him in the trailer they released a while ago, a lot of people are still on the edge. The TV spot should have just a quick reassurance that Twentieth Century Fox and Brian Singer still have a good handle on things, especially after the poorly received Fantastic Four.

X-Men: Apocalypse is scheduled for release on May 27th 2016

*Update* are you reassured that this movie is going to be great? Cause I am! If you want to read what I thought about the TV spot, click here.

14) Zoolander 2

This one is a little bit far fetched, seeing that a lot of people are excited for that movie, but others also think that it's a quick cash grab. The movie has a lot of potential, but it's going to be released against the valentine movie How to be Single and the comic book movie Deadpool, so its box office success is still questionable. A TV spot though, in one of the, if not the, biggest sport event of the year in the US, can win a lot of people over.

Zoolander 2 is scheduled for release on February 12th 2016

And you? What are you expecting or excited for during the Super Bowl (other than the Super Bowl itself)? Let me know below in the comments, and if you like this, please share with your friends ☺

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